Renew PHRFRegisterFax float plan to 415-366-1483 BY 1800 HRS ON 4/23/12PHRF certificate to SFYC race officeReserve slip in Monterey
Spinnaker Cup to-do
May 7th, 2012Coastal Cup To-Do
April 25th, 2012Rent Sat PhoneÂ- Liability & Crew Information Form
Register for race
Safety at Sea Seminar – Cal MaritimeSubmit color digital photo of boat under sailFax PHRF certificate to Encinal- Fax proof of insurance to Encinal
Summer Sailing Schedule
April 25th, 2012Finally getting the summer schedule in shape. Looks like a good season with two classic offshore overnight Pacific races and the practices and prep needed to have a good–and safe–time.
- MOB/Gear practice day (April 28)
- Ocean practice day (May 19)
- Spinnaker Cup (May 25-27)
- Shakedown practice day (June 8 or 9 or 10 )
- Coastal Cup (June 14-18)
Charlotte (and Teddy) drive
October 29th, 2011Leukemia Cup 2011
October 21st, 2011Message from 2012 SHTP
August 19th, 2011From the SSS bulletin board:
Hello future 2012 SHTP Skippers
It is my intention to start the race on June 30th, 2012.
Slack is at 10:56am
Max ebb is .7 kts at 1:14pm.
Not a huge ebb, but better than a flood! I do believe we will push back the start to 12noon, with class divisions starting every 10 minutes after.
Much more to follow, but all I can say now is Tree Time!!!!
AJ Goldman
Chair, 2012 SHTP
Quixote first bay sail
August 7th, 2011First SF bay sail of S/V Quixote. Brian and Bambi, Kevin D and Elizabeth D, Betsy and Mel, and of course Heather and CBug. Eli brought a nice bottle of Roederer to toast and casually christen.
Up to the gate reaching, outside to bash a few ocean swells, gybe, gybe, gybe, grab a mooring ball for beers and lunch at Alaya cove, back in time for dinner.
all pictures (c) Bambi
Home safe and (mostly) sound
August 1st, 2011Quixote was delivered by water from San Diego to Sausalito by Capt. Arnstein Mustad, departing July 27 and arriving July 31, 2011, stopping for fuel in Oxnard and Morro Bay. I’d give an positive and unqualified recommendation to anyone to use Arnstein for a boat delivery. He was very professional and clearly very experienced.
Distance overwater: 460 NM
Time underway: 77 hours 30 minutes
Avg. Speed: 5.9 kts
Total Fuel Consumed: 64 Gallons
Average burn: 0.8 phg @ 2800 RPM
There were a few hicups in the delivery which made me really glad to have a top tier crew handling the boat. Most significantly, the injector pump in our Yanmar 3GM30 failed a couple hours north of San Diego. Arnstein sailed her back into the slip, arriving around 10 PM, met the diesel mechanic aboard the next morning, project managed the part replacement, and departed again that same night.
Another unqualified recommendation and thank-you to PacWest Marine in San Diego. They sent a mechanic out at 8 AM and had the job done by the afternoon. Awesome.
Anyone who read my “nightmare is over” posts concerning the delivery of our last boat from Hawaii to San Francisco via Long Beach would probably guess I’d use different vendors and methods this time.
I got a few quotes for both overland and overwater delivery, including listing the shipment on uShip. The costs for overland delivery, from a reputable and well-insured hauler with an appropriate truck/trailer combination, were significantly higher than over-water. In addition, the “boatyard on both ends” factor adds another couple thousand dollars at a minimum.
Overall, a very smooth experience. Thanks again to Arnstein.
Chartplotter and AIS
June 26th, 2011Quixote is really a turnkey sailing machine. Several things I would have done for offshore or cruising–like AGM house batteries and a smart charger–are already completed.
The one think I want to do before the delivery is add a better chartplotter with AIS capability. In my opinion, this is poor man’s radar and a “must have” for sailing in/near the shipping lanes.
Although I’m brand-partial to Simrad, I’m leaning toward putting a Garmin 740 at the helm station. The touch screen gives the best ratio of screen real estate to unit size. Plus it has a built-in antenna and a good built-in basemap. For traffic detection, the Garmin AIS class B tranceiver is proably the best bet. Since it includes a built-in VHF antenna splitter, it’s not horribly more expensive than the ACR or West Marine models.
GPS 740:
AIS 600:
Probably this locks me into a Garmin radar in the future, if that ever comes to pass. On the other hand, for the type of sailing we do, I’m not sure my (slight) brand preference for Simrad or Furuno matters. Or, to be honest, whether we’ll ever need radar on this boat at all…