Day 8 (Crossing Gybes)

GPS: 25°42′ 129°49′ 239T 7.8kts

140nm day yesterday, making big S shapes through the ocean. Night watches are eye-crossing, pitch black, compass staring sloppy-ness. We are driving for 2 hours each, and we’re all bleary after 45 minutes at night.

Today, with 1500 something sea miles to go, Colin says, “I think I see a sail”. 8 days out, and we cross within 500 yards of a bigger boat flying a red chute.

Chafed clean through the jacket on our #1 guy after running last night on mostly port gybe. Swapped it out on the move and kept trucking.


One Response to “Day 8 (Crossing Gybes)”

  1. jon says:

    Turns out, this was our friends from Narrow Escape flying the goofiest old tri-radial ever. We gave them a hard time about the sail, and about not responding on the VHF. They replied that they were busy (i.e. double-handed) and complimented us on keeping up for the afternoon.